It is located 135km south of Delhi and 55km north of
Agra, just off the Delhi-Agra Road. It is 12 km or a
25 minute auto-rickshaw ride from Mathura.
It is the heart of grater area called Braja-Mandala, the
place of Lord Krisna's pastimes on this Earth 5000
years ago.
The area of present day Vrindavan is actually the place
of Krisna's rasa-lila pastime. There is a
parikram-road around the town and some devotees are
respectfully circumambulating Vrindavan every day.
Temples, shrines, ashrams, chipped walls, shops and
bazaars - this is how the ancient town looks today.
Vrindavan is said to have 5000 temples and shrines of
all different dimensions. One can walk around the town
in about 2 hours, but to go through all streets and
see all the altars may possibly take even years. Seven
of the temples are most important.
Madanmohan of Sanatana Goswami.
Govindaji of Rupa Goswami.
Radha-Gopinath of Madhu Pandit Goswami.
Radha-Damodar of Jiva Goswami.
Radha-Syamasundar of Syamanada Pandit Goswami.
Radharaman of Gopal Bhatta Goswami.
Radha-Gokulananda of Lokanath Goswami.
Madanmohan Temple
Madanmohan means “one who can even enchant Cupid.” The Deity of
Madanmohan (formerly Madan-Gopal) was made for Krisna's great
grandson Vajranabha and for many years it was lost...
Advaita Acarya discovered the original Deity of
Madanmohan (Krisna) in Mahavan-Gokul and served Him
here at the base of an old "vat" tree. Before His
departure for Navadvip He entrusted the Deity to
brahmana Chaubhe in Mathura. Years later Caitanya Mahaprabhu
sent Sanatana Goswami to Vrindavan to discover lost places of
Krisna's pastimes and write books about devotional service...
Advaita Acarya performed his bhajana here at Advaita-vatat
the base of the hill.
Beautiful Deity at Advaita-vat.
...Sanatan used to beg in nearby Mathura and one day
came to doors of the brahman Chaubha. He saw
brahmana's children playing with the Deity as if
Madanmohan was one of them. Horrified Sanatan
chastised Chaubha and taught him proper ways of Deity worship.
Both Sanatan and brahman had a dream that night. Madanmohan appeared
to Sanatan and told him, that he liked to be treated as one of
the brahmana's children and since Sanatan introduced so many rules,
He don't like it any more...
...To Chaubha Madanmohan said that he is like one of his
children. He told him that he had many children and he
should give Him to Sanatan. Next morning both devotees
wanted to apologize, but at the end Madanmohan went
with Sanatan. But not before He promised to Sanatan
that He would be satisfied with whatever he will be
able to offer. Sanatan, being traveling mendicant could not give
much luxury to his Deities...
Sanatana was practicing madhukari (begging from doors to
doors) and he could offer to the Deity just dry bread
...Madan-Mohan asked him, if he could give Him at least
little salt. Sanatana replied he would like to but
being dedicated to his bhajan couldn't afford such a
"luxury". Shortly afterwards down the Dvadasaditya
Hill, the merchant's boat went aground in the Yamuna
...The owner Krisnadas Kapoor was worried about his
goods and didn't know what to do. Madan-Mohan took the
form of small cowherd boy and led him upwards to
...Merchant described what happened, but Sanatan replied
he couldn't do anything about it, being just a
sannyasi. But he told him to pray to Madan-Mohan Deity
he had kept just humbly roofed nearby...
...The merchant did what Sanatan advised and few moments
later his boat was released by rising of Yamuna's
...Sailing down to Agra and making big profit, he later
under Sanatana's direction began to construct temple
for Madan-Mohan which became one of the symbols and
dominant features of Vrindavan.
Worshiped along with Madan-Mohan are Radharani and
Lalita. They were sent to Vrindavan by Purusottam Sen,
a disciple of Maharaja Prapatarudra. The original
Madan-Mohan Deity was moved from Vrindavan to Jaipur
when the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb's soldiers attacked
Vrindavan in 1670. That Deity is now in Karoli, which is southeast
of Jaipur in Rajasthan.
Original Madanmohan Deity in Karoli.
Old kirtan hall temple altar where Madanmohan Deity was
being worshiped.
There is a new Madanmohan Temple (right tower) built
next to an old one (left tower), where the replacement
Madan-Mohan Deity is now being worshiped.
Replacement or "pratibhu" Deities are considered as good
as the original ones. Worship was moved to this new
temple because the old temple was considered
Pujari is more than 100 years old.
The temple is presently state property, since it is
considered to be historical sight.
Bhajan kutir of Sanatana Goswami
Sanatana Goswami was born into sarasvata-brahmana community in
Bengal but was ostracized due to his acceptance of a ministerial
post in the government of Hussain Sah. He served in the Muslim
government and was high-ranking officer, but after meeting with
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu he quit his post and was imprisoned by
the Nawab...
...With the help of some money left by hi brother Srila
Rupa Goswami, he was freed from jail and fled from the
country. Sanatana Goswami later met Sri Caitanya in
Banares and was instructed by Him in the science of
devotional service, bhakti-yoga...
...Sri Caitanya told him to go to Vrindavan, write books
about devotional service and rediscover the lost
places of Krisna's pastimes. Before Goswamis came to
Vrindavan, it was just lost forest. Vrindavan's glory
was regained by the effort of great devotees of Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu and especially by "Six Goswamis
from Vrindavan".
Sri Sanatana Goswami is described in the
Gaura-gandodesa-dipika (181). He was formerly known as
Rati-manjari or sometimes as Lavanga-manjari. Manjaris
are small girls - intimate maidservants of Srimati Radharani.
Next to his bhajan-kutir, there is also sweet water well
here that Sanatana Goswami used. Good sweet water is
rare to found in Vrindavan area since it is mostly too
mineralized and taste salty. From many wells it is not
even advisable to drink.
Yoga-pith at Dvadasaditya Hill.
Samadhi of Sanatana Goswami
There are several places throughout the Vraja area where Srila
Sanatana Goswami performed his bhajana, but the last days of his
life he spent at Govardhan Hill...
...He departed from this world on Guru Purnima, while
residing at Govardhan...
...His body was brought to Vrindavan and placed in
samadhi behind the Radha Madanmohan Mandir.
Sila at his samadhi.
Sri Caitanya meeting Sanatan.
"I am just a mendicant and cannot afford such a luxury."
In a nice proximity of Sanatana's samadhi are other
important shrines.
Just behind his samadhi is grantha-samadhi, which
contains some of the original manuscripts of the
...Some of the books compiled by Sanatan Goswami were
Hari-bhakti-vilasa, Brihad-bhagavatamrita,
Dasama-tippani and Dasama-carita.
In nice garden surrounding Sanatana's samadhi there are
puspa-samadhis of Tapana Misra and Candrasekhara...
...They were close associates of Lord Caitanya. When
Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited Benares, He stayed and
took prasadam at their house. Tapana Misra was the
father of Raghunath Bhatta Goswami.
Sanatana's samadhi in the garden just next to
Dvadasaditya Hill.
Sri Sri Radha Govindaji
Sri Govinda was originally installed nearly 5,000 years ago by
Lord Krisna's great-grandson. Govinda is one of the four presiding
Deities of Braja-mandala. But for long time the Deity was lost...
...Rupa Goswami,
feeling separation because of being unable to find Deity
of Govinda, sat under a tree on the bank of Yamuna... |
...At that time a beautiful young boy came and told him
of a hill where a cow went every day and poured milk
into a hole. The young boy then disappeared and Rupa
Goswami went there...
...He started to dig on that spot and discovered the
Deity of Sri Govindaji.
the son of King Prapatarudra, sent the Deity of Radharani from
Jagannath Puri to be installed next to Govindadev. This
was first Deity of Radharani to be installed in
Vrindavan... |
...This magnificent Krisna temple was built in 1590 by
Maharaja Man Singh from Jaipur, a disciple of
Raghunath Bhatta Goswami, and took several thousand
men five years to build. He built it after meeting
with Rupa Goswami and altar was made from marble,
silver and gold...
...This temple was originally seven stories high and on
the top there was burning gheelamp. Aurangzeb could
see it shining even from his residence in Agra and
sent his troupes to destroy it...
...When a few stories remained, all of a sudden the
ground began to shake violently and Aurangzeb's men
were terrified and run for their lives, never to
return. Remnants of destroyed stories can be found
around the temple.
A sculptured lotus flower weighting several tons
decorated the main hall.
There are two small temples on two sides of the
Jagmohan, the main audience hall.
Inside the small temple on the southern side, down 12
steps is a cave in which the Deity of Govinda was
found and where Rupa Goswami used to meditate. A deity
of eight-armed Yogamaya sitting on a lion is also
there. There is also a stone slab with the footprint
of Krisna on it. Vrindadevi, who is now in the town of Kamavan,
used to be in the northern part of the temple.
Since this temple was partially destroyed by Muslims, it
is considered that worship cannot be done in this
Behind the temple, therefore, another temple was
established where worship is performed to the Deities
that were installed after Govindaji was removed and
taken to Jaipur.
Govindaji was brought to the city of Amber, near Jaipur,
by Maharaja Jai Singh II to protect the Deity from
destruction at the hands of the Muslim emperor about
1728 (some say 1735).
Maharaja Jai Singh created his "City of Victory," the
city of Jaipur, as a dedication to Lord Govindaji. The
temple is in a garden of the palace complex, and when
the temple doors were opened, Maharaja Jai Singh in
the past could see his beloved Deity from the royal
quarters. Jai Singh's grandfather had originally constructed
the Govindaji Temple in Vrindavan.
Deity from Vrindavan is until today the real heart of the city of
Jaipur. |
Sri Sri Radha-Gopinath
It is said that Vajranabha, Krisna's great-grandson,
had three Deities of Krisna carved. He never saw
Krisna, so the Deities were carved according to the
description given by Uttara, the mother of Maharaja
...He had three different images carved, but none of
them were perfect. Govindaji resembled Krisna's face
(Mukharavinda), Madana-Mohan resembled Krisna from the
navel down to the lotus feet, and Gopinath resembled
Krisna from the navel to the neck.
In one book about the temples of Vrindavan, the Padma
Purana is quoted saying that to get the full vision of
Sri Krisna, pilgrims have to visit and offer
obeisances to all three Deities during a single day,
while the sun is still up...
...Sri Govinda and Sri Gopinath are now in Jaipur, and
Madana-Mohan is in Karoli, a small town in Rajasthan
and this triple darsan seems to be possible even
today, if you are efficient traveler, of course...
Radha-Gopinath are the Deities worshiped by Madhu Pandit
Goswami and discovered at Vamsivata in Vrindavan by
Paramananda Bhattacarya, the disciple of Gadadhar
Pandit. Vajranabha originally installed Gopinath in
Vrindavan. This Deity was brought to Jaipur from Vrindavan
when the Muslims raided Vrindavan.
Radha-Gopinath Deity at Jaipur. |
The chapel of the old temple.
This temple was also desecrated by Aurangzeb in 1670...
...and new one was built next to it...
...where pratibhu-murti is worshipped today.
Samadhi of Madhu Pandit Goswami.
Madhu Pandit was a disciple of Gadadhar Pandit. He established
the temple of Gopinath in Vrindavan and lived here until his sacred
body was entombed here...
...near the original main gate of the Gopinath temple.
Present day gate of Radha-Gopinath Temple.
Radha-Damodar Temple
was founded by Srila Jiva Goswami, nephew of Rupa and Sanatana
Goswami. He was son of Annupam. Sadhana-dipika mentions that Sri
Rupa Goswami had many skills. He could carve Deities, draw, he
was expert astrologists and fluent in Sanskrit, Bengali, Persian
and other languages. In Karttik 1542 Sri Rupa, knowing Jiva's
desire for the Deity, personally carved, installed and offered
a small Deity of Damodar to his foremost disciple. Eight inches
high Lord Damodar came from a piece of black marble brought from
Vindhya Parvat in central India...
..."Dama" means "rope" and "udara" is "abdomen". Damodar is a form of
Krisna who is being bound by the ropes of mother Yasoda
because He broke the yogurt and milk pots like the
ordinary naughty boy... |
This temple was built for Jiva Goswami by Maharaja Man
Singh from Jaipur (Ambra). On the left you can see
opened altar. The temple room is actually roofless
...Other Deities worshiped here are the Radha
Vrindavan-candra Deities worshipped by Krisnadas
Kaviraj Goswami, the Radha-Madhava Deities of Jayadev
Goswami, and the Radha-Chalacikana Deities of
Bhugarbha Goswami. The original Deities were all moved to Jaipur...
Original Radha Damodar Deities made by Rupa Goswami for
Jiva (Jaipur)
There is a Govardhan-sila in this temple that was
worshiped by Sanatana Goswami. It has Lord Krisna's
footprint on it, and it was given to Sanatana Goswami
by Krisna Himself. Sanatan was getting old and
couldn't circumambulate whole Govardhan any more (21 km)...
...Lord Krisna gave him this sila and told him that
circumambulating this sila is as good as
circumambulating the whole Govardhan Hill. For a small
donation the pujari will show you this sila. You can
see the imprints of Krisna's footprint, walking stick, flute,
and the hoof-print of a calf imbedded in the sila.
Samadhi of Jiva Goswami.
Turning to the left entrance from the temple room, one goes into
another courtyard. There one can find samadhi of Srila Jiva Goswami.
In Gaura-gandodesa-dipika it is stated that he was actually Vilas
Manjari. He was very found of Srimad-Bhagavatam even from his
childhood and went to Navadvip to study Sanskrit. Nityananda Prabhu
was his guide during Navadvip-parikram. After further studies
in Benares he went to Vrindavan to help Rupa and Sanatan...
...After their departure he was adviser and acarya of all devotees.
Jiva Goswami consolidated the works of his uncles Rupa and Sanatana
Goswamis and compiled twenty five books of over 400 000 verses.
Srila Prabhupada writes: "To understand Lord Caitanya, one
has to follow the direst descendants of Lord Caitanya - the Six
Goswamis - and especially the path chalked out by Srila Jiva Goswami."
Later he sent the next generation of Vaisnavas (Srinivas, Narottam
and Syamanada) to preach to Bengal with a cart full of books written
by Goswamis.
Jiva Goswami consolidated the works of his uncles Rupa
and Sanatana Goswamis and compiled twenty five books
of over 400 000 verses. Srila Prabhupada writes: "To
understand Lord Caitanya, one has to follow the direst
descendants of Lord Caitanya - the Six Goswamis - and
especially the path chalked out by Srila Jiva Goswami."
Samadhi of Jiva Goswami (left) and Krisnadas Kaviraj
Goswami (right).
of Krisnadas Kaviraj Goswami
Krisnadas Kaviraj Goswami is the author of celebrated classic
Sri Caitanya-caritamrita. Once, Sri Nityananda appeared to him
in a dream and told him to go to Vrindavan. He became disciple
of Raghunath das Goswami and lived near his spiritual master at
Radha-kund. In 1581 he completed Caitanya-caritamrita and one
year later he entered samadhi. Krisnadas Kaviraj Goswami is and
incarnation of Kasturi Manjari, Radharani's maidservant.
There are whole roads of different shrines and
Puspa-samadhi of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati...
...and puspa-samadhi of the king Birhambir who became
Srinivasa's disciple and transformed his kingdom into
Vaisnava state and other vaisnava saints.
Samadhi of Srila Rupa Goswami
is on another courtyard right to the altar.
In Gaura-gandodesa-dipika Sri Rupa Goswami is described
as gopi named Rupa-manjari - young personal
maidservant of Srimati Radharani. On the order of Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu Rupa Goswami wrote many books
about the Vaisnava philosophy. Possibly the most famous
of them is Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu, translated into English as
"Nectar of Devotion". Rupa Goswami is protector and leader of
devotees and his followers call themselves "rupanugas". We can
pray at his samadhi for his mercy so that at least little bit
of transcendental glory of Vrindavan will be revealed to us.
This is how his samadhi looked in 90ties (there was no
marble floor yet).
Inside the samadhi in 1992...
...and in 2004.
Bhajan-kutir of Srila Rupa Goswami
is just next to his samadhi.
Between them
there is sacred tamal tree. Tamal trees are very rare,
hardly growing anywhere expect Vrindavan area. Their
blackish bark resembles dark complexion of Lord Krisna.
Gopis in time of intense fear or separation from their
Lord began to embrace Tamal trees to get feeling of safety and His
closeness. |
Inside bhajan-kutir is small humble altar.
In his last days Rupa Goswami gave all the manuscripts
to Jiva Goswami, requesting him to write the
commentaries. In 1564, on Sravan-dvadasi-pavitra, Sri
Rupa Goswami entered samadhi. Jiva Goswami placed his
transcendental body to his samadhi mandir, where it
stands now...
...On that most holy day, the Goswamis, Raghunath
Bhatta, Gopal Bhatta, Raghunath das and all the
Vaisnavas in attendance proclaimed to Jiva Goswami:
"From this day on, you are our master, and our leader."
Shortly after Rupa's disappearance, Jiva Goswami
established a "Visva Vaisnava Raja Sabha", a type of
school or formal assembly to tech Sanskrit based on
his own Hari-nama Vyakarana and the bhakti granthas of
the Goswamis Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu (Rupa Goswami),
Brihad-bhagavatamrita (Sanatan Goswami) ad Ujjvala-nilamani.
Jiva Goswami was the most systematic preacher, and was soon acclaimed
as the greatest philosopher in all of India.
Although Radha-Damodar temple was not large and ornate,
it was once famous for its vast library, where Jiva
Goswami neatly stored all the original manuscripts of
the Goswamis.
In 1670 demoniac Moghul Emperor Aurangzeb ruthlessly
attacked Vrindavan Temples. Raiders, mistaking it for
the private residence, didn't defile the simple
designed Radha-Damodar temple. But the Deities were
moved to Jaipur before that. The temple priests implored
the Jaipur king to return Deity and after a sixty-nine years in
Jaipur, Radha-Damodar came home to Vrindavan. The Lord did not
stay long, however, because a determined Maharaja Jai Singh prevailed
upon Damodar's priests to allow the Deity to move back to Jaipur,
where He remains today.
Prabhupada's rooms
On the right side of the temple courtyard there are two rooms
where Srila Prabhupada lived before his departure to America.
His small kitchen
has a window (on the white wall behind) overlooking the
samadhi of Srila Rupa Goswami. |
Srila Prabhupada often said he received great
inspiration from Rupa Goswami.
Simple living place of "Swami who is always writing",
how local people started to call him.
The worship in those rooms is carried out by
Prabhupada's disciples. We got invited by Smita-krisna
Maharaja who served us wonderful feast prepared for
Prabhupada. Afterwards he cleaned everything saying he
is now Prabhupada's servant and we are his guests. We
could hardly imagine better welcome to Vrindavan...
Srila Prabhupada lived here for nearly 6 years. He wrote
and traveled to Delhi to publisher.
He was finishing the commentary to the first canto of
Srimad-Bhagavatam. This part was published in India
before his departure.
"I eternally reside in my rooms at the Radha-Damodar
Temple," said Srila Prabhupad many times.
"When Krisna descended on the earth, He appeared in
Vrindavan. Although I am presently living in America,
my residence is in Vrindavan, because I am always
thinking of Krisna. Although I may be in a New York
apartment, my consciousness is there, and this is as
good as living there."
Path of
perfection, p.128
Radha-Syamasundar Temple
This temple was established by Syamananda Prabhu during his second
visit to Vrindavan...
The original Deity given to Syamananda by Srimati
Radharani can be seen to the right of the altar.
Extremely beautiful Radha-Syamasundar Deity...
...were also worshipped by gaudiya-vedantacarya Baladev
...Baladev Vidyabhusana was born in a village near the
famous Remuna in Orissa. He studied rhetoric, logic
and Sat-sandarbhas under Sri Radha-Damodar, a disciple
of Rasikananda Prabhu. Later he studied
Srimad-Bhagavatam under Visvanath Cakravarti Thakur
and under his instruction he went to Jaipur...
...Visvanath Cakravarti, being too old to travel, send
is most brilliant student to defend
gaudiya-sampradaya, because pandits from
Ramanuja-sampradaya wanted to take over the worship of famous
Govindaji Deity in Jaipur. At the well-known Galta in Jaipur he
defeated opponents of the gaudiya line and established vigraha
of Sri Vijay Gopal. He composed a commentary on Vedanta-sutra
called Govinda-bhasya because it was dictated to him by Lord Govindadev
Himself. He reinstalled Sri Radha besides Sri Govindaji...
...He also wrote other books, that are treasured as a
gems in gaudiya-vaisnava tradition: Siddhanta-ratnam,
Vedanta-syamantaka, Prameya-ratnavali,
Siddhanta-darpana and commentary on Sad-sandarbha.
Entrance gate of Radha Syamasundar Temple.
Puspa-samadhi of Syamanada Pandit is little further
towards Radha-Damodar Temple opposite the entrance
Syamanada's former name was Duhkhi Krisnadas. One day he
was sweeping the ground and found an anklet. A small
girl came looking for it, claiming it to belong to her
sister. He refused to give it back to anyone but the
owner and the girl left...
...The small girl was actually Lalita-sahki and returned
short time later with Srimati Radharani Herself.
Radharani blessed Krisnadas with the anklet and
pressed it against is forehead, creating permanent
tilak mark...
...Vaisnava devotees later criticized Duhkhi Krisnadas
for his unusual tilak, but only until the time when
Radharani appeared to Jiva Goswami in a dream and
explained everything to him. Jiva Goswami thus renamed
Duhkhi Krisnadas (literary "unhappy Krisnadas") to
Syamananda Tilak-sthan.
Puspa-samadhi of Syamananda Pandit.
Syamananda Pandit Goswami was no other than Kanaka
Manjari, one of the Srimati Radharani's intimate
Sri Radharaman Temple
was established by Gopal Bhatta Goswami.
Radharamana's lotus face is like Sri Govindaji's, His
chest is like Sri Gopinath's and His lotus feet are
like Sri Madanmohanji's. By taking darsan of
Radharaman one receives the simultaneous darsan of
these three Deities.
The Deity of Sri Radharaman was manifested from one of
Gopal Bhatta Goswami's salagram-silas on the full moon
day of Vaisakha (April/May) in 1542. worshipped along
with a salagram-sila.
This event is celebrated every year (May) by bathing the
Deity with 100 liters of milk and other auspicious
items. Gopal Bhatta Goswami's other salagram-silas are
also worshiped on the altar.
There is no Deity of Radharani with Radharaman, but gomati-cakra
is worshipped on the altar to His left. According to an injunction
of Sri Hari-bhakti-vilas, a gomati-cakra is to be worshipped along
with a salagram-sila.
Radharaman is one of the few original Deities of the
Goswamis still in Vrindavan. Other Deities went to
Jaipur, but Radharaman never left Vrindavan. The fires
for cooking in the temple kitchen have been burning
continuously for over 435 years, since the Deity was
installed. This is so no foreign elements, such as matches,
are used for ignition purposes.
The standard of worship at samadhi and temple is
exemplary and Srila Prabhupada wanted his disciples to
learn Deity worship from local pujaris.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's kaupina (cloth) and asana
(seat), which Gopal Bhatta Goswami brought from
Jagannath Puri, are also in this temple. They are
brought out to be seen by the public three or four
times a year. The asana is black wood and is about 30
cm (12") by 25 cm (10").
Govardhan-sila of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Before large temples were built, the Goswamis worshiped
their Deities simply, keeping them in a tree under
which they slept...
...Radha-raman Deity was adored in a tree for centuries.
In the area of the present Radha-raman temple, there
used to be a large lake, connected to the Yamuna
...For a couple of hundred years they worshiped
Radha-raman in a tree, and at night put him in a boat
anchored in the middle of a lake...
...They stood guard with bows and arrows, if anyone came
to hassle the Deity. Even today, they have the bows
and arrows in the temple.
Besides daily puja there are other festivals held at the
samadhis. Upon taking initiation into Gaudiya-vaisnava
Sampradaya, a new disciple may sponsor a special
uttsava (festival) consisting of hari-nama sankirtana
(chanting of the name of the Lord), bhagavatha-katha
(discourses about the Lord) and offer an opulent feast of prasadam
to present Vaisnavas and Braja-vasis (residents of Vrindavan).
Gate of Radha-raman Temple is close to the Nidhivan
garden. |
Radharaman Temple was not attacked by Aurangzeb's
soldiers because they mistakenly thought it to be just
residential quarter.
Inner entrance to the Temple.
Gopal Bhatta Goswami's samadhi is to the left
after you enter the first gate from the street into
the temple compound. Gopal Bhatta Goswami was the son
of Vyenkatta Bhatta, a brahmana priest of Srirangam
Temple in Tamil Nadu. His uncle Prabhodananda
Sarasvati also became his spiritual master. In 1511 Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu visited Srirangam a danced in ecstasy before Lord
...Vyenkata Bhatta invited Lord Caitanya to stay at his
house during Caturmasya. Gopal Bhatta was at that time
small boy and got the chance to serve the Lord and
hear directly from Him. After some time Lord Caitanya
left on his tour to South India and told Gopal Bhatta
to go in the future to Vrindavan...
...Gopal Bhatta became learned in Sanskrit, poetry,
rhetoric and all aspects of devotional service. After
passing of his parents, he left home and proceeded
towards Vrindavan where he joined Rupa and Sanatan...
...After some time studying in Vrindavan Gopal Bhatta
made a trip to Nepal. One day when he was taking bath
in Kali-Gandakini river, he dipped his kamandalu into
the water and 12 silas mysteriously entered his water
...He put them back into the water and dipped the
kamandalu again in the water of the holy river, but
the silas again entered his water pot...
...When it happened for the third time, Gopal Bhatta
realized, that those are not ordinary stones, but they
must be some very special ones and there must be some
divine arrangement behind it. He kept them in a cloth
bag hung around his neck and from that time on he
started to worship them and returned to Vrindavan...
...Once he intensely desired to decorate his salagram,
seat Him on a swing and serve Him as other devotees
can. "If only He had arms and legs like a Deity," he
...Lord Krisna, being very kind to His devotees, that
very night transformed Himself from one of small
salagram-sila into threefold form of Radharaman. If
one has darsan of Radharaman's back, one will see that
it resemble salagram-sila. Although the Deity is quite
small many devotees find Him to be extremely attractive.
The appearance place of the Sri Radharaman Deity is next
to the temple besides Gopal Bhatta's samadhi.
Gopal Bhatta was actually originating the
Sat-Sandarbhas, later elaborately developed by Jiva
Goswami, he also edited Hari-bhakti-vilas. His most
prominent disciple was Srinivas Acarya.
Gopal Bhatta Goswami was no other than Ananga Manjari,
one of the eight intimate maidservants of Srimati
Radha Gokulananda Temple
was founded by Lokanath Goswami. The entrance to the
temple is on the same street as Radharaman Temple.
In this temple you can see the Radha-Vinod Deities of
Lokanath Goswami, Radha-Gokulananda Deities of
Visvanath Cakravarti, Caitanya Mahaprabhu Deity of
Narottam das Thakur, Vijaya Govinda Deities of Baladev
Vidyabhusana, and the Govardhan-sila given to Raghunath
das Goswami by Sri Caitanya...
...Original Deity of Visvanath Cakravarti is the small
one in the front. Other Deities are pratibhu-murtis.
Mahaprabhu gave a govardhan-sila to Raghunath das
Goswami, and this can be seen if one offers a small
donation. The sila bears the thumbprint of Lord
Caitanya, who used to chant while holding the sila, pressing
it to His heart or eyes... |
... Sometimes He would smell it or place it on His head.
The stone was almost always moist with Lord Caitanya's
tears. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would say: "This stone
is directly the body of Lord Krisna." Sri Caitanya
kept the sila for three years and than gave it to
Raghunath das, being greatly satisfied by his
behavior. Visvanath Cakravarti also worshipped for some time
Raghunath's govardhan-sila.
The samadhi of Lokanath Goswami.
Lokanath Goswami was a contemporary of Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu and when the Lord took sannyas, Lokanath
came to Vrindavan with Bhugarbha Goswami and performed
very strict bhajana. He was always meek and humble.
When young Narottam das came to Vrindavan to study
under the Goswamis, he was attracted by this saintly person...
...Lokanath, however, did not want to accept disciples
and refused repeated requests from Narottam. But
Narottam was very determined. He acted as menial
servant of Lokanath Goswami, who was finally pleased
by his behavior and accepted him as his only disciple.
Lokanath Goswami found Deity of Radha-Vinod (Vinodial)
in Umaro Gaon near Chatravan. Upon request of Rupa,
Sanatan and other Goswamis he brought the Deity to
Vrindavan. Vinodilal is a beautiful Deity about 30cm
tall. On the left we can see the original Deities now
worshipped in Jaipur.
In the courtyard of Radha-Gokulananda Temple besides
Lokanath's samadhi there are samadhis of Visvanath
Cakravarti Thakur (left), puspa-samadhi of Narottam
das Thakur (center) and samadhi of Ganganarayan
Cakravarti (right).
Visvanath Cakravarti was the greatest acarya of
seventeenth century. His guru Radharaman Cakravarti
asked him to copy Srimad-Bhagavatam in his home and
while writing he entered into trance. He wrote day and
night. Even though the sun was scorching, the spot where
he sat was as if by miracle shaded. Another day started to rain,
but on Visvanath no rain fell. The local landlord saw this miracle
and told to townspeople much to Visvanath's embarrassment. After
some time his spiritual master ordered him to live at Radha-kund
and write books...
brahmacari from Mathura had a dream in which the Lord
appeared to him and asked him to give his small
Gokulananda Deity to Visvanath. He did so, but Visvanath
refused to take the Deity because he could not afford
proper worship. That night the Lord appeared to Visvanath and told
him that He would arrange everything necessary for the offerings.
The brahmacari had another dream and this time, Visvanath accepted. |
After the disappearance of Jiva Goswami a controversy
aroused among his followers. Some believed that Radha
and Krisna are eternally married (svakiya-rasa) and
should not be worshipped as paramours in
parakiya-rasa. In order to accommodate neophytes Jiva Goswami
acknowledged svakiya-rasa in his book Ujjvala-nilamani, but his
followers failed to see that in his other books he wrote about
parakiya-vada as thought by Lord Caitanya Himself...
...Visvanath Cakravarti defeated the controversy, but
the pundits got angry and plotted to kill him. They
waited for him in secluded place for a long time, but
he was not coming. Suddenly they saw a very beautiful
young girl picking flowers and they were completely
enchanted by her beauty. They forgot their enmity towards Visvanath
and asked her who she was. The girl replied she is the maidservant
of Sri Radha and he is collecting flowers so that Sri Radha could
make a garland for Her beloved paramour. Sri Krisna. Upon saying
this the girl disappeared and the scholars saw only Visvanath
sitting there...
...Visvanath than asked them what place lies between
Varsana and Nandagram. "Sanket," they replied.
"Why than Radha meets Krisna at Sanket rather than at Krisna's
home at Nandagram? If the Divine Couple were actually married,
they could easily meet at His father's home at Nandagram. Instead
They meet at Sanket, the place of Yogamaya, who arranges Their
meeting." Shortly after that those scholars became Visvanath's
Narottam das Thakur was born in Khethuri in
1534, the year of Lord Caitanya's disappearance. His
father was king, but by caste he was kayastha
(sudra). Before that, when Sri Caitanya visited
Ramakeli, He went to River Padma and suddenly began to
call out: "Narottam!" "Narottam!" He told His devotees:
"Very soon a personality will be born in Khethuri and he will
absorb My kirtana-rasa with all of my love. Now I am depositing
my prema to Padma and she will deliver it to Narottam..."
...Young Narottam became brilliant student and one day
Lord Nityananda appeared to him in a dream and told
him to go to river Padma and take bath. On waking
Narottam rushed towards the river and while bathing
his body have changed from blackish to golden. Narottam
started to call and cry and upon returning his parents could not
recognized him. He was dancing and singing the holy names day
and night. After some time Narottam had a dream in which Sri Caitanya
ordered him to go to Vrindavan and take initiation from Lokanath
Goswami. Narottam run away from home much to the despair of his
...Upon arriving to Vrindavan he fainted in front of
Govindaji and all devotees headed by Jiva Goswami came
there to meet him as Sri Caitanya predicted his
appearance. Narottam became the only disciple of
Lokanath Goswami and his bhajans are famous among
vaisnavas even today. Srila Prabhupada said that even stones are
getting melted listening to Narottam's bhajans. This puspa-samadhi
contains his garland, cloth, kaupin and japa beads. Narottam das
Thakur is Vilas Manjari, one of the Radharani's intimate maidservants
who usually prepares milk products. Narottam's body is not entombed
anywhere since his transcendental body dissolved as milk into
the water during his bath in a river at his disappearance.
Ganganarayan Cakravarti
was a prominent disciple of Narottam das Thakur. He was high caste
brahmana by birth and smarta-brahmanas at those times strongly
protested against Narottam (sudra by birth) initiating brahmanas
and convinced the king to challenge Narottam. When Ganganarayan
heard that king's party is approaching, he and Ramacandra Kaviraj
disguised themselves as clay pot seller and betel nut seller.
Shortly afterward smarta-pandits went shopping clay pots for cooking
and were amazed that shopkeepers in this town speak fluent Sanskrit...
...They have got into debate and clay pot walla and
betel nut walla defeated them in argument. Perplexed
reported it to the leader of the party and told him:
"If shopkeepers in this village defeated us in debate,
only God knows what will happen when we will meet the
guru himself!" Ganganarayan Cakravarti in this way
protected Narottam from this disturbance. That night the king
and the Digvijai-pandit had a dream that they should accept initiation
from Narottam.
The entrance door to Radha-Gokulananda Temple is on the
same street as Radharaman Mandir.
After getting to know about main seven temples
established by Goswamis we will perform parikram
around the town and in the next round we will visit
other places inside the town area.
Detailed map of Vrindavan with most places of interest
can be found at the end of this page.
Circumambulating Vrindavan by foot can be made in two
or three hours, provided on does not stop in many
Since it is not our case and it will take us a lot more,
it is therefore wise to take an umbrella providing a
Parikram of course, can be made in many ways - for
instance as a reverential tapasya.
Vrindavan-parikram can be started at any place on
parikram road going clockwise.
We start our journey at Ramana-reti where Krisna
and Balaram performed Their pastimes, just next to Radha-tilawhere
Radharani's parrots gather every evening in numbers.
Our first stop is Krisna-Balaram tree. Balaram
(with white complexion) sits on Krisna's (blackish)
neck, as the white tree grows from the dark tree.
But the whitish tree is drying up (2004).
Formerly Yamuna river used to flow here...
...and at this place Krisna showed His Varaha form to
the gopis...
Beautiful Varaha Deity at Varaha-ghat.
Gautama Muni asram
is just opposite to Varaha-ghat on parikram path...
...Here great sage Gautama Muni performed austerities
many thousands years ago.
plots of land are cultivated attempting to restore some
of the former beauty of Vrindavan of Krisna's times.
This plot is quite near the river, but to pump water for
irrigation from areas further from Yamuna river can be
more harmful than beneficial. In this way the level of
the underground water would drop even lower and the trees would
get even harder time in worm Vrindavan summer. We shouldn't forget
that Vrindavan area is near Rajasthan desert, which is growing
partially due to cutting of the trees. |
At Go-ghat Nanda Maharaja gave cows in charity to the brahmanas.
is situated just next to it.
Further can be seen another interesting tree, called Radha-Krisna
tree. Dark Krisna embraces white Radharani...
In 90ties there was construction going on at this plot
and the tree was to be cut. But fortunately a devotee
gave some money to the owner to spare it and let the
tree live.
Still further is a place called Kaliya-hrada. In
times of Krisna's pastimes a serpent named Kaliya
lived in Yamuna river. Due to poisonous vapor the tree
and grass near the bank of the Yamuna had all dried
...Lord Krisna saw the effect of the great serpent's
poison: the whole river that ran before Vrindavan was
now deadly. Krisna climbed up in a big Kadamba tree,
tightened His belt cloth and flapping His arms just
like a wrestler, jumped into the poisonous lake...
...Krisna and Kaliya serpent fought within the Yamuna
river. The Lord danced upon Kaliya's hoods and
defeated him, but speared his life because of the
sincere prayers of the naga-patnis, the serpent's
wives. The kadamba tree from which Krisna had jumped
was the only tree, which was not dead. Some say that due to touching
the lotus feet of the Lord, the tree became immediately alive...
...But in some Puranas it is stated that Garuda, the
eternal carrier of Visnu, knew that Krisna would take
this action in future, so he put some nectar on this
tree to preserve it. In either case the same tree is
still standing at Kaliya-ghat and nice Deity of
Krisna's dancing oh Kaliya's hoods can be seen there.
Nearby Kaliya-mardana Temple...
...where 5000 years old Deity installed by Vajranabha is
...by friendly pujaris.
Beginning in the year 1511, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu made
a journey of the holy places in South India. On Sukla
Ekadasi He arrived at Ranga-ksetra, where He decided
to stay and practice austerities during the four
months of Caturmasya. At this time Lord Caitanya
stayed at the home of three brothers: Tirumala, Vyenkata (whose
son was Gopal Bhatta Goswami) and Gopal Guru (Prabhodananda Sarasvati)
In his youth Gopal Bhatta was instructed by Prabhodananda Sarasvati...
...They were Sri Vaisnavas, followers of Ramanujacarya,
and devoted to the worship of Laksmi-Narayan. Lord
Caitanya explained superiority of Lord Krisna's lila
to His hosts, and according to Caitanya-caritamrita
(Madhya, 9) they became great devotees of Lord Caitanya after
Sarasvati became follower of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and
is considered one of the great acaryas in the
gaudiya-vaisnava sampradaya. Actually he is one of the
great eternal associates of the Lord. When the Lord
appeared in His original form of Sri Krisna, Prabhodananda
Sarasvati was one of the important gopis, Tungavidya devi. After
Sri Caitanya left South India he meditated about his Lord and left
his home at Ranga-ksetra and traveled to Vrindavan, where he stayed
in the forest of Kamyavan and where he was soon met by his nephew,
Gopal Bhatta Goswami... |
tomb of Prabhodananda Sarasvati is located on what
was previously the bank of Yamuna river near Kaliya-ghat. |
where Krisna's prashkananda (perspiration) caused a small lake to
appear is no longer visible as well as Suraj-ghat where Surya
performed great austerities so that he could achieve darsan of Lord
Krisna. Srimati Radharani also prayed here to Sun god to appear
and warm Lord Krisna who felt very cold after spending a long time
in the water chastising Kaliya. |
Parikram road used to be beautiful dust sand road where anybody
could walk barefoot even when not use to.
Walking on the old riverbed bring us to a place where
one of the Yamuna branches flows today.
"Imli" means "tamarind" and this tamarind tree dates
back as far as Lord Krisna's times, five thousands
years ago. Krisna would come here on the bank of the
Yamuna and because of His ecstatic feelings of
separation from Radharani, His blackish body would
turn golden...
...Gauranga Mahaprabhu would also come here and meditate
upon Krisna. Due to ecstatic love His golden body
would on the contrary turn blackish...
...The old tree is said to be cut by neighbors and blood
was flowing from the tree instead of sap. Tree dried
up, but another tree is growing there from its
"I worship the lotus feet of the form of Sri Krisna that
manifests when He is thoroughly immersed in separation
from Srimati Radharani (who is displaying mana,
Her mood of jealous anger), or when He is embraced by
Srimati Radhika (after Her mana is broken). At these
times, His own dark complexion vanishes and He assumes
Her bright, golden luster. I worship the lotus feet of this Sri
Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Maharaj
Beautiful Deities at Imli-tala.
Gaudiya Math founded by Bhaktisaranga Maharaja (disciple
of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati) is present there today.
His samadhi is just next to tamarind tree.
A new temple is being build for Radha-Govinda (2004) at
Next to Imli-tala is Gopinath-bhavan.
...and other artists paint beautiful Krisna-lila
paintings at Gopinath-bhavan.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu resided for several days at
Akrura-ghat (on the border between Vrindavan and
Mathura). Daily He would come to Imli-tala where He
chanted harinama immersed in bhava. One day
some people requested Him to come to Kaliya-ghat since
Lord Krisna is again displaying His pastimes at night...
...At last it became evident that the spectacle on the
Yamuna was nothing more than some Muslims catching
fish. "Bhagavan Sri Krisna does not manifest such
pastimes before the masses of ordinary people of
Kali-yuga. Such pastimes appear only in the hearts of suddha-bhaktas,"
said Mahaprabhu and some days later He proceeded with
Vallabha Bhattacarya to Nilacal.
Sringar-vat (Nityananda-vat)
During rasa-lila, when Srimati Radhika saw Sri Krisna dance with
other gopis, She left rasa with mana. Wishing to
hide Herself, She sat down in this solitary place...
...Here Krisna personally decorated Srimatiji with beli,
cameli and other flowers...
...When the other sakhis searched for Krisna, one sakhi
said: "Look! Krisna picked flowers here for His
beloved, standing on His toes. The ground is marked
with only the front portion of His feet!"...
...Krisna requested Radharani to quickly leave this
place with Him, but She refused, saying She is tired.
Krisna than requested Her to sit on His shoulder, but
just as She was about to do so, disappeared...
...Distressed in separation, Srimati Radharani cried: "O
master! My lover! O dearest, where are You? Where are You? Please,
mighty armed One! O friend, show Yourself to Me, Your maidservant
who is very much aggrieved by Your absence."
The original banyan (vat or vata) tree
under which the Divine Couple sat has now almost
vanished, as it was broken during the flood. A branch
from the original tree were found on its way and
planted here where it has grown into large tree.
Nityananda Prabhu, while wandering throughout Braj,
stayed near Sringar-vat absorbed in bhava. As avadhuta
He was holding neck of cows and asked them: "Where is
Kanhaiya? Where is He? One day, He heard a voice from
the sky announce: "Your Kanhaiya is waiting for you in
Nadia where He appeared as Sacinandana Gaurahari".
Sringar-vat is therefore also known as Nityananda-vat.
Jaru-mandala (Jhadu-mandala)
Jaru-mandala means the area (mandala) swept with the broom
(jaru) so that devotees could sit down and hear the stories.
Once a long time ago an old woman lived here. She made her living
by grinding grains on the mortar. Because she was blind, she was
doing it sometimes in day, sometime at night, since she could
hardly tell what time it was. The gharr-gharr sound disturbed
...One day as she was grinding during brahma-muhurta,
absorbed in singing the sweet names of Krisna, a
beautiful dark-complexioned boy appeared and put one
foot at her grindstone. "Maiya! Why are you constantly
turning the grindstone and making this disturbing
"My dear son, if I don't work with the grindstone, then how will
I maintain myself?"...
..."I will put My footprint on your grindstone. People
will come to take the darsan of this footprint and
give generous donations."
When she waked up the old lady saw that the boy's footprint had
appeared on her grindstone. She was able to maintain herself by
donations from visiting people and she always remained intoxicated
remembering this lila.
It is said that Jaru-mandala is the actual spot where
Syamananda received a tilak mark from Srimati
Radharani. Old Jamun tree mark this spot today.
Here just next to Jaru-mandala Sri Krisna disappeared from Radharani
during rasa-lila.
There is also an old Krisna-Baladev Temple on the
opposite side of the road...
...with Nanda, Yasoda, Balaram and Krisna on the altar.
Cir-ghat (Cira-ghat)
According to Srila Jiva Goswami the actual Cir-ghat is
10 km north of Vrindavan. But there is no harm
remembering this intimate pastime in any place.
At Cira-ghat
there is ancient kadamba tree (Cir-kadamba). |
...Krisna would climb on this tree and tied gopi's dress
on its branches. Pujari keeps remembering this lila
until now and one can see Krisna's Deity on the tree
and gopi's garments...
...Gopis performed worship of Goddess Katyayani
(Katyayani-vrata) to get Krisna as their husband and
Katyayani gave them blessing that their desire will
soon be fulfilled...
...Nobody except one's husband can see woman naked.
Gopis were taking bath in Yamuna and Krisna stole
their garments...
They wanted them back but He demanded they came out of
water and claim them. Since He saw them naked, it was
as if gopis became Krisna's wives...
The Deity of Krisna and gopi's garments on the branches
commemorate this pastime today.
Yamuna Maharani is sri-krsna-svarupini, meaning that she
is a manifestation of Visakha. She is bhagavati because
she is dear to Krisna and she is krisna because she is
blackish in complexion.
Yamuna river is the most sacred river in India. The main
reason it is so sacred is because it flows through
Vrindavan and Mathura, and was thus intimately
connected to Lord Krisna's pastimes...
River Yamuna, Govardhan Hill and dust of Vrindavan are
three things that remained unchanged from Krisna's
Vrindavan to these days.
...One who bathes in the Yamuna can be purified of all
sinful reactions and attain love of Godhead...
Yamuna-devi assists the amorous pastimes of Radha-Krisna
Yugala (keli-vilas). She flows on three sides
of Vrindavan. She creates countless beautiful nikunjas
with trees, creepers, flowers and fruits. Radha-Krisna
performs jat-keli - water pastimes and nauka-vihara
boat pastimes with sakhis.
"I repeatedly offer prayers to Sri Yamuna, the daughter
of the Sungod, who is the bestower of unnatojjvala-prema
for cidananda-surya-svarupa Nandanandan Sri Krisna. She embodies
transcendental bliss and directly personifies the
melted form of Parambrahma...
...Simply remembering her destroys all types of
wickedness and great sins, thus purifying heart. She
bestows all auspiciousness upon the world and can
bestow braja-rasa into dry, desert-like hearts.
May that Yamuna-devi purify us."
Yamuna-pranama, verse 1
The Temple tower resembling Madanmohan Temple is
abandoned Jugal-Kisor Temple, sometimes called
Kesi-ghat Temple, as it is located next to this ghat.
Krisna and His sakhas were grazing the cows there. Madhumangal
joked with Him, "Dear Sakha, if You give me Your peacock feather,
sweet flute and yellow garments, then all the gopas and gopis
will love me and feed me delicious laddus.
Nobody will even ask You if you would like some."
Smilingly, Krisna personally dressed Madhumangal up in
His peacock feather and yellow garments and handed him
His flute and staff...
...Now all dressed up, Madhumangal began to walk about
here and there. Meanwhile Kamsa asked powerful demon
Kesi to assume the form of huge horse and told him:
"Whomever you see wearing a peacock feather on his
head and yellow garments, and holding a flute in his
hand, know that person to be Krisna for certain and kill Him."
Upon seeing Madhumangal dressed as Krisna, Kesi attacked him with
his two hind legs...
...Krisna quickly came to save Madhumangal and killed
Kesi demon. Although the demon's legs did not so much
as touch Madhumangal, the brahmana boy lost
consciousness just by the breeze created by the
movement of Kesi's legs. After Krisna killed Kesi, however,
Madhumangal became embarrassed. He went to Krisna and handed back
His flute, peacock feather and yellow cloth. He told Him, "I don't
want any laddus. My life is worth lakhs of laddus." The cowherd
boys began to laugh.
All devotees and saints performing Vrindavan-parikram
had to go through narrow passage on Kesi-ghat. It is
really touching to walk on the same places like
Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati and other Vaisnava sages.
There is a Yamuna arati performed here every day at
Riverbed is sometimes full of water, but in other times
it may look quite different.
Kesi-ghat from the other bank.
If you bathe here you get the benediction of bathing in
all of the holy places.
No bridge is
nearby most of the year. One has to take boat to get to
other side... |
...usually with many other people, since than it is
cheaper (and more interesting), of course.
Pontoon bridge is made usually after the end of rainy
Located across the Yamuna in a secluded area was asram
where Devraha Baba lived in a hut located above the
ground. For years Devraha Baba did not touch the
ground. His two senior disciples now run the ashram
and give classes and speak good English. To get to
this ashram, you take a boat across the river at Kesi-ghat
and then walk about 20 minutes to the right (south).
Tekarirani Temple
was built in 1871 by queen Indrajita Kumari. Her husband was Hitakama
Thakur the king of Gaya district in Bihar...
...Radha-Krisna, Radha-Gopal and Sri Laddu-Gopal are
three Deities in this temple, famous for its
Queen Indrajita Kumari donated this temple to Devraha
...whose bhajan-kutir can be seen in adjacent courtyard.
This cottage was formerly in his asram on the other
side of Yamuna river.
Jagannath Temple
Haridas, one ramanandi-vaisnava, devoted to Lord Krisna, used
to meditate on the bank of Yamuna near Vamsi-vat. In a dream,
Lord Jagannath appeared to him and told him his desire to be worshipped
in Vrindavan. He told Haridas to go to Jagannath Puri and bring
the old Jagannath Deity that was this year to be replaced during
rejuvenating ceremony...
gathered disciples and with loud sankirtan headed
towards Puri. When he arrived, he went straight to main
Jagannath Temple and requested pujaris to allow him to
take replaced murti back to Vrindavan. The priests
refused and send him directly to the king who was in charge of the
temple. But even the king refused his request, saying that the murti
must be buried to the ground... |
...Despaired Haridas decided to stay at the beach and
fast until death. That night Jagannath appeared to the
king and angrily asked the king why he refused to do
what He Himself ordered...
...Upon waking the king immediately called for Haridas
and granted him the permission to take old Jagannath's
Deity back to Vrindavan. Jagannath, Baladev and
Subhadra with the contingent of soldiers and priests
were on the chariot brought to Vrindavan and installed
on the bank of Yamuna at this place, which than became known as
Caitanya-kuti (Caitanya-kutir)
"If Sriman Gauranga Mahaprabhu had not appeared, then
what would have become of us? How could we have tolerated living?
In this universe, who would ever have come to know about the glories
of Srimati Radharani and the topmost limits of prema-rasa?...
...If Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had not come, who would
have had the intelligence to join the sweet madhura-rasaof
Sri Radha-Krisna's lilas in Vrindavan? Who else but
Mahaprabhu could have bestowed the power to enter the braja
ramani's loving mood of seva to Yugala-Kisor?"
Yadi-Gauranga-Nahito by Narahari das
At the time of Krisna's pastimes Maharisi Durvasa had
his asram on the opposite side of Yamuna near
Pani-gaon. Gopis of Vrindavan wanted to please him by
delicious food. Yamuna was in flood due to the monsoon
and nobody had the courage to take them to the other
side. Suddenly Krisna appeared and smilingly asked
them what troubles their mind...
...They told him about the flooded river and He replied:
"Go to Yamuna and declare 'If Krisna has not seen the
face of any woman, than on the strength of his being
brahmacari (celibate), we may cross the river on
foot.' " The gopis did as Krisna told them and to
their surprise, Yamunadevi immediately parted her
waters and allowed the gopis to cross on foot...
...They have satisfied the sage with huge quantities of
delicious food. Durvasa Muni blessed all the gopis and
gave Radharani special benediction that whatever She
cooks will taste like nectar and whoever eats Her food
will achieve a long life and will never get sick. This
is the reason why Mother Yasoda would ask Radharani to
cook daily for her son Sri Krisna...
...When they were ready to return, Durvasa Muni sensed
their worries and told said: "Tell Yamunaji - 'If
Durvasa has not eaten any food than on the strength of
his austerities, may we cross over your waters.' " And
again Yamuna granted them the passage...
...They have inquired Krisna about this mystery and He
replied that because I do not possess bhokta-abhimana(identity
of being enjoyer) my brahmacarya remains intact even though I
am from My birth surrounded by women and stay with you every night.
Similarly Durvasa is free from bhokta-abhimana and although
he ate everything it was as if he was eaten nothing.
Passing Adi-badri-ghat where Vyasadev wrote the
Tenth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam and Raj-ghat
where Krisna disguised Himself as a boatman demanded to
wash Radharani's feet and than wanted to be fed by all
the sweets they were carrying we will approach the old
banyan tree at Sri Caitanya-visram-sthali...
Lord Caitanya used to sit beneath this banyan tree at
Raja-ghat and rest.
In small kutir, there is a Deity of Sri Caitanya...
...and nearby the temple of Lord Jagannath.
It is believed that the Jagannath Deity was worshipped
by Murari Gupta.
When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to Vrindavan via
Jhadikhanda path, there was no village, only a deep
... At night, He resided at Akrura-ghat and at down He
would sit at Imli-tala on the bank of Yamuna...
...Mahaprabhu would chant harinam until the third praharain
...Sri Balabhadra Bhattacarya was the only person with
Him at this time.
When we cross the Mathura road and the train tracks
passing by this banyan tree we have nearly completed
the parikram.
Radharani's well where pilgrims loudly call Radha's
name that comes back with echo.
Parikram is completed. By circumambulating the temple of
the Lord one becomes feed from innumerable sins. By
circumambulating Vrindavan one automatically
circumambulate 5000 temples at once. Brijbasis usually
go on parikram on Ekadasi. As they say the benefit of
circumambulating Vrindavan is much greater. It is believed
that offences committed knowingly or unknowingly are washed of
by circumambulating Vrindavan.
Vrindavan-parikram we will go to see other places inside
the town area. Bhaktivedanta Swami Gate at the entrance
of the town from Cattikara road welcomes you in. |
The first temple
to your left is Krisna-Balaram Mandir founded by A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Separate page with many images from different times about
Krisna-Balaram Mandir can be found here. |
Vrindavan Research Institute and Library
stores some of the original manuscripts as well as historical
documents and records.
Handwriting of Sanatan Goswami...
...Rupa Goswami...
...and Jiva Goswami.
On the day Krisna subdued Kaliya, cowherd boys could
not return to their residences at Cattikara as night
was approaching and they had moved from the poisoned
Kaliya-daha to a sarovara further to the east. The
servant of wicked Kansa set surrounding forest ablaze
in all directions. Fire was overwhelming and Krisna told
everyone to close their eyes...
...He also closed His eyes and at once swallowed that
devastating forest fire as if it were cool water. The
sarovara (lake) where this lila took place is called
Davana-kund. "Davanala" means "forest fire".
After extinguishing the forest fire, Sri Krisna rested
at nearby Vishram-kund.
Jaipur Temple
This temple was built by Maharaj Madhosingh (Sawai-Madhav) from
Jaipur. The construction took almost 30 years (opened 1917) and
because of the need to transport huge sandstone pieces, Maharaja
also sponsored the railway connection from Mathura to Vrindavan.
It is the most grandiose and opulent temple in Vrindavan...
...In the northern chamber there is Ananda-Bihari, in
the central Sri Radha-Madhava and in southern Sri
Nitya-Gopal and Giridhari. Murtis of Narada Muni,
Sanaka, Sanatana Sanandana and Sanat Kumaras are also
present there.
Krisna and Balaram used to rest at the banks of Govinda-kund in
the middle of the day. The boys and their cows would drink clear
water of this kund. Krisna's sakhas would massage Krisna's and
Balaram's feet while They rested...
...It is the largest kund in Vrindavan and both Rupa and
Sanatan stayed here for some time doing bhajans. It is
usually dry and fills with water only during rainy
season. Ghats were built by Bengal princes Candharani
Kali-sundari from east Bengal.
Katyayani Temple
It is said that here the hair (katya) of Goddess Kali fell
from the sky.
Gopis used to make a Deity of Goddess Katyayani from sand on the
shore of Yamuna, which is the local tradition during Katyayani-vrata,
and worship her to get Krisna as their husband. The actual place
where gopis used to worship Katyayani is Tapovan, 10 km north
of Vrindavan near Cir-ghat.
64 samadhis
In this garden near famous Govindaji Temple there are full samadhis
of Raghunath Bhatta Goswami, Subuddhi Raj and Kasisvar Pandit
and 64 samadhis of important followers (Mahants) of Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The three above mentioned Samadhis are full
and others are either puspa, nama or smrita samadhis.
In the corner of this garden used to be a pond. Krisna once dig
with his flute (venu) in the ground and created a water
spring so that thirsty cowherd boys and cows could drink it.
Samadhi of Raghunath Bhatta Goswami
When Sri Caitanya stayed at Benares in the house of Candrasekhar,
Raghunath Bhatta as a small child could serve the Lord by massaging
His feet. Later, when Sri Caitanya met him in Puri He was pleased
to see him and ordered him to study and remain lifelong brahmacari.
Raghunath Bhatta was an expert cook and sometimes he would cook
for Sri Caitanya...
...Raghunath Bhatta used to do bhajan in this very same
garden and among Vaisnavas was very famous for his
wonderful recitation of Srimad-Bhagavatam. He used to
sing it in three different ragas (tunes). His fame spread wide
and attracted Jaipur king Raj Man Singh to become his
disciple. Maharaj not only constructed gorgeous
Govindaji Temple but many other temples and ghat's as well...
...Entombed here are the sacred ashes of Raghunath
Bhatta's body. Devotees have decided to cremate his
body similarly as Raghunath dasa's because they have
feared desecrating by Muslims. Raghunath Bhatta is an
incarnation of Raga-manjari, one of the eight intimate
maidservants of Srimati Radharani...
...Raghunath Bhatta often recited Bhagavatam in front of
Rupa and Sanatan and their samadhis are just next ho
his. His personal Bhagavatam can be seen in Bhattaji
Mandir near Radha-Vallabha Temple in Vrindavan.
Raghunath Bhatta was also known for his aversion
towards criticism of Vaisnavas. Even there were right reasons
for criticisms, Raghunath was disinclined to hear even that saying
that those who are engaged in devotional service will be soon
Samadhi of Kasisvar Pandit
Kasisvar was a disciple of Isvara Puri and as such a godbrother
of Sri Caitanya. Isvara Puri sent him to serve Lord Caitanya to
Jagannath Puri. Kasisvar was very tall and strong and his service
was to pull away crowds in front of Sri Caitanya so that He could
proceed further. With his hands he would protect the Lord like
a bodyguard.
...Kasisvar also liked to distribute prasadam to the
devotees after kirtans and later Sri Caitanya sent him
to Vrindavan to serve Govindaji Deity. He was an
incarnation of Bhringara, Lords personal servant.
Samadhi of Subuddhi Raj
Subuddhi Raj was a landlord of Bengal. Once he punished Hussain
Khan, a man responsible for construction, by a whip. After some
time this man become appointed Nawab of Bengal by Muslim Emperor.
His wife once noticed scars on his back and haring that this was
due to punishment by Subuddhi Raj demanded his death...
...Hussain Khan found this situation very difficult,
since Subuddhi Raj raised him from childhood and was
almost like a father to him. He decided to sprinkle
the water from his water-pot on his head and thus
convert him to a Muslim. In those days it was it was
sufficient to convert anyone from Hindu to Muslim just by
sprinkling water from a Muslim's water-pot and in the eyes of
orthodox brahmanas he was socially ostracized...
...Subuddhi Raj left home and traveled to the holly
places. In Benares he was told by local brahmanas to
commit suicide. At this time Lord Caitanya was also
present there and met Subuddhi Raj. He told him not to
commit suicide but to constantly chant holy name
instead and go to Vrindavan. Subuddhi Raj spent the rest
of his life in Vrindavan and become a close friend of Raghunath
Bhatta Goswami. His samadhi is near the samadhi of his dearmost
friend, Raghunath Bhatta.
Temple of
Jugal-Kisor is known as Mirror Mandir because the walls are
decorated with thousands of small mirrors. In the
courtyard of the temple is the Radha-nama Bank, where
pilgrims are encouraged to write as many Radha's names
as possible on paper, which is deposited in this "bank"
for eternal benefit of the writer. |
Lord Ranganath's Temple resembles famous temple in
Sri Rangam in Tamil Nadu. Rangaji is a form of Lord
Visnu lying on the Sesa Naga.
It is constructed in the South Indian Dravidian style
and has an impressive gopuram tower over the main
entrance. It is the biggest temple in Vrindavan. It
was built in 1851 by Laksmicanda Seha at the expense
of 4,5 million rupees.
Until recently Non-Hindus (non-Indians) were not allowed
unto the main temple area where the Deity is
worshiped. They were allowed only on the courtyard...
But in Karttik 2004 we were even allowed to take a
picture of the Deity of the Lord.
The temple is surrounded by high walls...
It has traditional gates...
...mandapa providing shade for rest...
...and of course temple-sarovar (lake)...
...as any temple built in South Indian style should have.
Near the Western door is a chariot, upon which Sri
Rangaji rides on special occasions.
Once a year a Ratha-yatra for Lord Ranganath is held.
The Lord cart is pulled to nearby Rangaji garden.
The carts are smaller than in Puri, but sentiments of
devotees can be the same.
At the entrance of the Rangaji Mandir are moving
dioramas depicting different lilas of the Lord -
killing of Ravana...
...and waking up of Kumbhakarna from Rama-lila.
Govardhan-lila and others from Krisna-lila...
Brahma-kund was originally created by tears of Lord Brahma, when
he was regretfully crying after stealing cowherd boys from Krisna.
Yogamaya Paurnamasi gave Mahadev Sankara a gopi-form by dipping
him in this kund. Vrindadevi also gave Narada the form of Naradi-gopi
by bathing him here, thus fulfilling his desire to take darsan of
There is an asoka tree on the northern side of this
kund. It blossoms with flowers at exactly noontime on
the Visakha-sula Dvadasi. Only extremely fortunate rasika-bhaktas
can take darsan of those flowers and no one else, as it
is stated in Varaha Purana.
Until recently the kund was full of water, but at
present it have dried up.
An ancient temple at the bank of Brahma-kund.
Lal-Babu Mandir
Lal-Babu was wealthy landlord from East Bengal. He liked to go
for walks from his mansion to the other side of the river. One
day he heard boatman saying: "Brother! Day is over. Go across!"
Those words inspired his thought about his own mortality and in
his heart he actually heard: "Life is reaching its close. Quickly
cross over this material existence!"...
...Next day during his walk he heard washerman
addressing his wife: "The day is over. Go and burn the vasana!"
The bark of banana is called "vasana" in Bengali, but
it also means "passion" or "desire". Boatman's words
sounded in his head like: "The days of your life is
over! Burn your lusty desires!" It made a great
impression on him and shortly afterwards abandoned his
luxurious living and came to Vrindavan...
...As a young man he become vairagi (renounced
saint) and constructed this magnificent stone temple.
In 1810 he installed the Deity of Sri Krisnacandra.
Lal-Babu also constructed ghats surrounding Radha-kund.
Pankaj Prabhu in his musical shop near Lal-Babu Mandir.
Braja-Mohan Temple
The Deity of Braj-Mohan was installed by Narottam das Thakur during
the Khethuri festival in Bengal. Khethuri festival was the first
festival celebrating the appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
It was actually the first Gaura-purnima as we know it today and
all the prominent Vaisnavas of those times attended it.
Srinivas Acarya personally performed abhisek for
Braja-Mohan and other five Deities. Out of them only
Braja-Mohan was brought to Vrindavan for worship.
Devotees and pujaris were very friendly and Narottam's
Deities of Braja-Mohan are very sweet.
Jnana-Gudri (Jnana-Gudadi)
Sri Narada once said to Prayag: "Bhagavan has given you the name
Tirtharaj - the king of holy places. But I doubt it is true. Does
Vrindavan ever come to make an offering to you along with the
other tirthas?"
"No," said Prayag.
"Than what kind of Tirtharaj are you?..."
...Seeing Tirtharaj approaching, Bhagavan honored him
appropriately and ask him why he has come in such sad
mood. "My master, You have appointed me as Tirtharaj
and all the holy places come to me with their
offering, but the tirtha Vrindavan never comes to me.
If small tirtha like Vrindavan does not accept my jurisdiction,
than why should I have the title of Tirtharaj?"
Bhagavan became silent for a moment, His eyes brimmed with tears
as He remembered Braj, cows, sahkas, Nanda and Yasoda, gopis and
rasa-vilas. Than He composed Himself and said: "You are truly
the king of all tirthas, but I have not made you the king of My
own home, Sri Vrindavan."
It is said that Prayag-Raj comes to Vrindavan at
Jnana-Gudadi during the flood in the form of black
horse. He takes bath here and purified from the sins
left on him by the pilgrim his form will change into
white horse. Than he returns back. Brijvasis also take
bath at this same spot when Yamuna floods during the
When Krisna send Uddhava from Mathura to Vrindavan to
console Nanda, Yasoda, gopas and gopis, Uddhava
delivered His massage. But it was full of tattva-jnana
and gopis tore it up so it resembled torn garment
(gudadi) and threw it into the water of Yamuna. That
jnana-gudadi drifted downstream and fell into the Ganga at Prayag.
From there it floated to the salt ocean. The place where the gopis
abandoned that message filled with tattva-jnana, leaving it float
down the Yamuna like a torn garment is known as Jnana-Gudadi.
...and Deities at Sudama-kutir
Radha-kanta Temple
Radha-kanta are Deities of Gopal-guru Goswami. Gopal-guru was
a disciple of Vakresvar Pandit, one of the associates of Caitanya
Mahaprabhu. As a child Gopal used to meet Sri Caitanya. Once Sri
Caitanya jokingly called him a "guru". The name stuck and he became
known as Gopal-guru. He studied sastras under Svarup Damodar and
Raghunath das Goswami...
...In his last days he became so distressed with
separation from Krisna that in the eyes of ordinary
people he left his material body. His learned disciple
Dhyanacanda Goswami at this time encountered some
problems in Jagannath Puri with the government officials
regarding bhajan-kutir of Haridas Thakur and Radha-kanta Temple.
A vaisnava from Vrindavan told him, that he had seen his guru
at Dhira-samira in Vrindavan...
...Dhyanacanda Goswami reached Vrindavan in few days and
he saw Gopal-guru with nama-mala in his hands
and in tears with his eyes as he was remembering
various pastimes of the Lord. Dhyanacanda fell at his
feet and began to cry. He begged him to return to
Puri. Gopal-guru refused, but told him to return without fear.
"The disturbance will soon end." By his order, Dhyanacanda returned
to Puri and government officials apologized to him. The disciples
of Gopal-guru constructed another samadhi of their spiritual master
under the same tree where they saw him in his spiritual body talking
to Dhyanacanda.
The place on the bank of Yamuna near Vamsi-vat is called Dhira-samira
because the breeze (samira) would became so gentle and
calm dhira upon having darsan of wonderful keli-vilas
pastimes In fact he was so stunned upon seeing them that he was
not able to move on and practically stopped. Therefore this place
is known as dhira-samira. Gauridas Pandit established a
kunja and temple at Dhira-samira and began the puja of Sri Syamaray.
Samadhi of Gauridas Pandit
Entombed here is the sacred body of Gauridas Pandit, disciple
of Lord Nityananda. Gauridas lived in Ambika-kalna near Santipur.
His brother's daughters Jahnava and Vasudha were married to Lord
Nityananda. When Sri Caitanya accepted sannyas order, He went
to Gauridas to say goodbye. Gauridas was so distressed with the
prospect of separation that Sri Caitanya had manifest with Lord
Nityananda as a Gaura-Nitai Deity and told him that He never leaves
his house, staying here in the form of Deity. But Gauridas didn't
allow Caitanya to leave...
...Lord Caitanya with Nityananda posed Themselves as
Deities and Deities started to leave. Gauridas stopped
the Deities and They stood again in Their Deity pose.
Meanwhile Caitanya and Nityananda began to leave. It
happened so many times that Gauridas was unable to say
which are the Deities and which are the actual Gaura-Nitai
and Lord Caitanya could finally leave...
...Once during a Gaura-purnima festival Deities of
Gauridas Pandit jumped from the altar and joined the
devotees in sankirtan. Gauridas started to worry that
They may again wanted to leave and started to chase
them in angry mood with a stick, calling Them back to
the altar. Seeing Gauridas, Deities jumped into the heart of Caitanya
das and disappeared there. Gauridasa's disciple was from that
day called Hridaya-caitanya, because Caitanya and Nityananda hide
inside his hridaya (heart).
Radha-Syamaray Temple
Gauridas Pandit performed his bhajan here at Dhira samira and
worshipped his beloved Deity of Radha-Syamaray.
...Jayadev Goswami mentions this kunj in
Gita-govinda - dhira-samire yamuna-tire vasati
vane vana-mali.... - The keli-vat under
which Radha and Krisna performed this pastime is
situated in Dhira-samira.
Srinivas-acarya kunj
When the father of Srinivas-acarya met Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
at his sannyas ceremony, Sri Caitanya predicted that soon a son
named Srinivas would be born to him. In his youth Srinivas became
brilliant student and his golden complexion resembled Sri Caitanya.
He wanted to meet Sri Caitanya in Puri, but on the way news about
Sri Caitanya's departure from this world struck him into grief.
He studied Srimad-Bhagavatam from Gadadhar Pandit in Puri and
later went to Vrindavan. He become disciple of Gopal Bhatta Goswami
and studied sastras under Jiva Goswami...
...After completing their studies, Jiva Goswami ordered
Srinivas, Narottam and Syamananda to take the books of
Goswamis and go to Bengal to preach. They set up on
the way with bullock cart full of books. Near
Vana-Visnupur they entered the kingdom of king
Birhambir. He used to consult astrologer about the caravans and
rob the merchants. When the first sankirtan party approached his
border, the astrologer informed the king that this cart carries
an inconceivable treasure. As usually, king's people took the
cart, but found only books...
...Narottam and Syamananda continued to preach in
Bengal, Orissa, Assam and Manipur and Syamananda
stayed to reclaim the books. In his search he visited
the court of king Birhambir and heard some brahmin
explaining Srimad-Bhagavatam. He pointed out his
mistakes during recitation and the brahmin asked him if he knows
any better. Srinivas started to explain the Bhagavatam as he had
learned from Goswamis and everybody included the king told him
that they have never heard so beautiful explanation of Bhagavatam.
King Birhambir finally become his disciple, returned the books
and turned his whole kingdom into Vaisnava state...
Samadhi of Srinivas-acarya
Entombed here is a sacred body of Srinivas Acarya. He was and
incarnation of Mani-manjari, one of the intimate maidservants
of Srimati Radharani, and embodiment of Goura-sakti, spiritual
energy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He was also a famous poet and
his Sad-goswami-astaka is singed by devotees until today. Srinivas,
Narottam and Syamananda were most prominent acaryas in the generation
immediately following Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Samadhi of Ramacandra Kaviraj and puspa-samadhi of
Hemlata Thakurani
Ramacandra Kaviraj was disciple of Srinivas-acarya and a friend
of Narottam das Thakur. He received a title "Kaviraj" for his
wonderful poetry describing pastimes of Sri Krisna and Sri Caitanya.
Narottam in one of his bhajans sings ramacandra-sanga mage
narottama-dasa "I always pray to be in the company of such
a devotee as Ramacandra Kaviraj." Hemlata Thakurani was a daughter
of Srinivas-acarya and great preacher of gaudiya-vaisnava philosophy.
Inside Srinivas-acarya kunj there is a Radha-madhava
Temple. Among the Deities on the bottom shelf is a Jula-Thakur,
a personal Deity of Srinivas Thakur who used to carry Him in his
bead bag.
On the beautiful full moon night of the sarat
season, Krisna started to play a sweet tune on His flute (vamsi)
and call gopis. They stopped everything and run toward they beloved
in the midst of night. "When the young woman of Vrindavan heard
Krisna's flute song, which arose their romantic feelings, their
minds were captivated. They wanted to go where their lover waited.
Each unknown to others, moving quickly and their earrings swung
back and forth." (Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.29.4)...
...Krisna began to convince them to return home to their
husbands, but gopis refuted His arguments. Finally
rasa-lila started and gopis felt satisfaction and
possibly some pride because of their good fortune. One
Krisna was dancing between two gopis and one gopi was
dancing between two Krisnas...
...At this moment Krisna disappeared and their pride was
transformed into transcendental separation so intense
that it was reaching the point of madness...
...Hearing their despaired singing, Sri Krisna again
...You have performed an extraordinary deed - you have
given up everything for Me. For this sacrifice, I am
eternally indebted to you and can never repay you."
Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.32.22
In this way the divine pastimes of Krisna and gopis
continued on Vamsivat, the crest-jewel among lila-sthalis...
Sri Vajranabha planted here a banyan tree (vat)
in remembrance of these pastimes, but about 500 years
ago Yamuna flooded the place and took this tree with
her. Sri Madhu Pandit, a disciple of Gadadhar Pandit,
took one of its branches, brought it back and planted
it here...
...The branch transformed into this vast tree and stands
it until today. While planting the tree, Madhu Pandit
discovered the Deity of Gopinath here at Vamsivat.
Gaudiya-vaisnavas use to do seva here, but then
Brahmacariji, the guru of the King of Gvalior, bought
this place. Since than, it has been under the
Vamsivat is a famous place mentioned in innumerable
Mahadev Sankara once desired to take darsan of Krisna's rasa-lila
with his own eyes. Being very eager he came from Kalilas to Vrindavan,
but at the gate of Vrindavan, attendant gopis stopped him, because
no male except Sri Krisna can enter rasa. Sankara as usually didn't
give up easily. He inquired how he might be admitted. Gopis told
him to worship Paurnamasi (Purnima).
Sankara worshiped her and Purnima, knowing his desire, dipped
him into the nearby Brahma-kund. When he came out of the water,
he had been transformed into a beautiful young gopi...
...Purnima seated Mahadev, now gopi, inside the kunja of
rasa-sthali and disappeared. After a short while
rasa-lila began, but the gopis had a strange feelings:
"For some reason, we do not feel any happiness today!"
They have understood that some outsider had entered
the place and began to search...
...After a while they saw this unknown gopi sitting in
this kunj and they began to question her: "What is
your name?"
"What village are you from?"
"Who is your husband?"
"Who is your father-in-law?"...
...But the gopi was unable to answer any of those
questions and began to cry. Yogamaya had neither
arranged her birth from the womb of the gopi, nor
given her any name. She was not married to any gopa
either, so what answers she could give? Gopis receiving
no answer began to slap her cheeks until they became swollen...
...Seeing Mahadev's misery, Purnima's heart melted. She
went there and explained that this gopi was an object
of her mercy. She requested the gopis and Krisna to be
merciful to her. Sri Krisna, knowing the desire of
Purnima, gave Sankara the name Gopisvar and granted
him a boon that a sadhaka would be unable to enter
Vrindavan and especially places of Krisna's sweet pastimes, without
the blessing of Mahadev.
Vajranabha, the great grandson of Krisna, installed the
Siva-linga in this temple.
It is said that the big pipal tree here is
a kalpa-vriksa tree and will fulfill all desires.
."O gatekeeper of Vrindavan! O soma, all glories to you!
O you whose forehead is decorated with the moon and who is worshipable
for the sages headed by Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Narada!
O Gopisvar! Desiring that you bestow upon me the prema for the
lotus feet of Sri-Sri Radha-Madhava, who perform joyous pastimes
in braja-dham, I offer pranamas unto you again and again!"
Sankalpa Kalpadruma, 103
by Visvanath-Cakravarti Thakur
Gopisvar Mahadev from Vamsivat
is a beautiful garden in care of Paramadvaiti's disciples.
Simple architecture inspires an authentic feeling of the
original beauty of Vrindavan.
Vrindakunj is near Lal-babu Temple...
...and in the courtyard one can see the broken piece of
the original tamarind tree from Imli-tala.
Gopini stopped her studies for a while...
...and explained to us that two large govardhan-silas
on the altar are "Giridhari" and "Giriraj". One is the Bhagavan
Himself - Giri-dhari - "The lifter of Govardhan" and the
other is Giri-raj - the king of the mountains and the servant
of the Lord.
Of course, nicely kept tulasi plants, cannot be absent
in Vrindakunj.
Amiya Nimai
Amiya means "ambrosia" or "immortal"...
...and this tall Deity of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is
well known throughout Vrindavan as Amiya Nimai. This
Deity as installed by priests from Radharaman Temple.
Samadhi of Bilvamangal Thakur
Bilvamangal Thakur was the most prominent disciple of Visnu Swami
from South India...
...He was a famous poet and the author of
Krisna-karnamrita, which was read with delight by Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself. In his bhajans, he is
sometimes mentioned by another name as Lila-sukha.
...He performed his bhajan in this area about 700 years
ago. His sacred body is entombed in this samadhi.
Opposite the gate to the Gopinath Mandir at the same
street, there is a temple of Gaura-Nitai called
Sona-Gauranga Temple
Sona-Gauranga Deities were worshipped by Jagannath das Babaji
when he was staying at Surya-kund. After his departure for Bengal,
they were looked after by a local brahmana...
...Thieves once thought that these Deities are from pure
gold (sona) and wanted to steal Them. Therefore
Sona-Gauranga Deities were moved to Vrindavan...
Sad-bhuj Temple
...When Jagannath das Babaji again returned from Bengal, he began
to feel separation from his Gauranga Deities...
...He therefore asked his disciple to find for him
another Deity of Lord Gauranga. The disciple just
happened to meet a farmer who received a supply of
wheat bran for feeding the cows. As the cows began to
eat it, beautiful Deity of Sad-bhuj emerged. The
farmer gave the Deity to Jagannath das Babaji and when he again
returned to Bengal, the Deity was moved to this temple next to
Sad-bhuj has six arms. Upper hands are Rama's, holding
bow and arrow, middle hands are Krisnas, holding
flute, and the lower ones are hands of Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu, holding kamandalu (waterpot) and danda
(stuff) of a sannyasi.
Nidhivan (Nidhuvan)
Radha and Krisna are said to take rest here after dancing and
other conjugal affairs. "Nidhi" means sleep and "van" means "forest"...
...According to
others "nidhu" means "surata-krida" or "amorous
pastimes" and the whole forest is called Nidhuvan. It is
a place where pastime of sleeping and resting at the end
of night takes place... |
Visakha-kund lies in Nidhivan, similarly as
Lalita-kund lies at Seva-kunj. Krisna created this
kund with His flute to relieve thirst of His
priya-sakhi Visakha and other gopis. Swami Haridas
found a Deity of Sri Banki-bihari here in Visakha-kund...
...and the shrine commemorating His appearance
(Banki-bihari Yoga-pith) is just next to it.
Just next to a place where Haridas Swami discovered
Banki-bihari Deity, there is a small temple called Rang-mahal
which has a bed where Radha and Krisna are taking rest...
...It is also here that Krisna decorates Radharani with
various kinds of cosmetics before rasa dance.
There is another small temple dedicated to Radharani...
...Once She stole Krisna's flute and started to play on
it accompanied by Lalita and Visakha.
The samadhi of Haridas Swami is to the left from
this central temple behind a small shrine where Radha
plays a flute...
...Swami Haridas used to please Sri Bihariji by sweetly
singing devotional songs he had personally composed
and played vina...
...Tanasen and Baijubar were his famous disciples. When
Maharaj Akbar heard from Tanasen, who was his
minister, about the Haridas, he desired to hear his
...But Haridas had firmly resolved not to entertain
anybody but His Bankibihariji. Emperor Akbar therefore
resolved to disguise himself as an ordinary man and
along with Tanasen went to his kuti at
...Tanasen, being
a good musician himself, purposely brought his vina with
him and began to sing in front of Haridas... |
...After a while
Haridas took a vina from the hands of his disciple and
began to sing the same song, pointing out his
mistakes... |
...His singing
was so sweet that even the deer, birds and other animals
in the forest were attracted to come and silently
listen... |
amazement knew no bounds. He was so pleased that he
immediately wanted to present something for Swami
Haridas, but the wise Tanasen advised him not to do so,
since it would disturb Haridasa's devotional mood. |
In Nidhivan, Srimati Radhika sat on the royal throne in
a kunj. Sri Krisna, dressed as a police officer,
protected the entrance and guarded the area within it.
This is called rai-raja-lila and Vaisnava
poets sing about it in their songs.
Because of keli-vilas during the night (nisa)
take place at the keli-kunjas at Nidhivan,
the sayana-vilas or pastimes of sleeping at
the end of the night (nisanta) also take place
...Seeing dawn approaching, Vrinda-devi becomes alarmed
and orders the suka, sari, peacocks, cuckoos,
bumblebees and others to make their sweet humming and
other sounds to wake up Kisor and Kisori.
...Once when Radha-Krisna Yugala were sleeping in
keli-kunj of Nidhivan at the end of the night, Sri
Vrisabhanu-nandini had the amazing dream. Upon waking,
She woke Her Prana-vallabha and said: "Priyatama, I
just had an amazing dream. In that dream I saw a river
just like Yamuna. Along that river I saw beautiful
bank resembling kunj near Yamuna in Vrindavan. On that bank I
saw a wonderful golden-complexioned young man singing and dancing
very beautifully...
...Being absorbed in an internal mood, He was carried
away in the dancing to the rhythm of the mridangas and
kartalas. That gaura-kisor was crying: "Ha
Krisna! Ha Krisna! and sometimes Ha Radhe! Ha Radhe!
Where are You! Who is this golden-complexioned youth?
Am I this gaura-kisor who is constantly crying Ha Krisna?
Or is it You, My Prana-priyatama?"...
..."He Priyatame! At different times I have given You
the darsan of Narayan and other My forms, but You were
never astonished. Who is this golden-complexioned
youth, bewildering Your mind, I cannot say," said
Krisna and began to smile. Radhika replied:
"Prana-vallabha! Now I understand that this golden form is
no other than You! No other is able to infatuate Me in this way!"
Sri Visvanath Cakravarti, Svapna-vilas
Entrance gate of Nidhivan.
Shahaji Mandir
was built by wealthy jeweler Shah-kundan Lal from
Lucknow in 1835...
...He was a disciple of one of the gosanis of Radharaman
Temple and this temple was built for the Radharaman
...But the gosanis in the last moment decided not to
move Radharaman from the old temple where it stayed
for centuries and Chota-radharaman ("small
Radharaman") was installed instead.
Mira-bai Temple
Female saint Mira-bhai renounced the life of a princess
and come to live in Vrindavan in this place. She is
famous for her devotional songs...
...It is said that she encountered many problems and a
plot was made to kill her by a snake. But by Krisna's
mercy, poisonous snake have turned in front of
Mira-bhai into a stone and she was saved...
...This sila (stone) is kept to the left on the
Jugal-kisor Temple
When emperor Akhbar visited Vrindavan in 1570, he gave
permission to built four temples by the
Gaudiya-vaisnavas: Madanmohan, Govindaji, Gopinath and
Jugal-kisor. It stands next to Kesi-ghat and therefore
it is sometimes called Kesi-ghat Temple.
Although it is one of the oldest temples of Vrindavan it
was completely abandoned after desecration by
Aurangzeb's soldiers in 1670...
...and no pratibhu-murti worship was conducted.
Gadadhar-dant Samadhi
Gadadhar Pandit was born one year later than Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He attended the same school as
Lord Gauranga, lived close to each other and he grew
almost inseparable from Him. When Sri Caitanya
performed His Navadvip-lila, Gadadhar Pandit was His
chief assistant and another name of Sri Caitanya is Gadadhar-prananath,
the life and soul of Gadadhar...
...When Lord Caitanya accepted sannyas and went to
Jagannath Puri, Gadadhar also accepted sannyas and
followed Him. Gadadhar worshipped a Tota-Gopinath
Deity and Sri Caitanya told him to become ksetra-sannyasiand
never leave Jagannath Puri. When Sri Caitanya ended
His prakata pastimes He entered and
disappeared into Tota-Gopinath Deity of Gadadhar Pandit. Gadadhar
was in incarnation of Srimati-Radharani, but being a ksetra-sannyasi
on the request of the Lord never visited Vrindavan. His disciple
Nayanananda brought a tooth (dant) of Gadadhar Pandit and
entombed it here in this Gadadhar Pandit dant-samadhi.
Vamsi-Gopal Temple
From 1956 to 1959 Srila Prabhupada stayed in this
temple when he came as vanaprastha to Vrindavan.
He lived in a room on the second floor before he had
moved to Radha-Damodar Temple.
Loi Bazaar is Vrindavan's most busy marketplace...
...Here you will buy everything necessary from clothes
to puja plates for worship...
...as well as vegetables and fruits...
...and find a post office with this stylish post box.
Sweatshop sellers are usually whole day cooking milk...
...When it is thick and solid they sell it as basic for
making home sweets like gulab-jamuns...
...In India, gulab-jamuns are traditionally fried from
this thick milk instead of dough made of powder milk
like in the West.
on the roof is waiting for an opportunity to steal some
banana or something glittering... |
...Then it jumps like kamikaze for the fruit and before
anybody realizes it is back on the roof. People
usually laugh a lot except the fruit seller, generally.
The four brajavasi kumaras!
In this hidden temple located just next to Loi Bazaar...
...there is a special altar...
...with the greatest salagram-silas in the world.
Gaura-Nitai Temple of Murari Gupta
Murari Gupta was from childhood a great devotee of Lord
Ramacandra. When he requested Sri Caitanya to allow
him to make a Deity of Gaura-Nitai, Sri Caitanya told
him to make them according to his own devotional
...These Deities are unique because They stand in tri-bangha
form as Krisna and Balaram, Their hands are in the mudra of
Ram and Laksman and Their hair is made up into topknot, just like
Sri Caitanya and Nityananda in Navadvip. Murari Gupta was actually
an incarnation of Lord's devoted servant Hanuman.
A wonderful story about Murari Gupta's Gaura-Nitai
Deities and Pisima Goswamini is here in this
separate article.
Ban-khandi Mahadev Temple
While staying at Govardhan, Sanatan Goswami would take
daily darsan of Cakaleswar Mahadev, and in Vrindavan
he would go from his bhajan-kutir to take darsan of
Gopiswar Mahadev. When he became too old, Mahadev
appeared to him in a dream and told him: "Please do
not undergo so much trouble seeing me. I shall manifest as
Ban-khandi near your bhajan-kutir..."
...Seeing Mahadev so mercifully manifested, Sanatan
Goswami became overwhelmed with bhava. From that day
on he would take daily darsan of Ban-khandi Mahadev
before returning to his bhajan-kutir.
Seva-kunja (Nikunjavan)
In this garden Radha and Krisna perform Their eternal lila every
night. Therefore each evening at sunset everyone leaves
the grove. No one is allowed within the enclosure at night. The
numerous monkeys that are here during the day also leave at night...
...Krisna would massage Radharani's feet and decorate
Her hair with flowers here. There is no wonder that it
is the place of topmost sacredness...
...Trees in the garden are not ordinary trees, they are
said to be great sages, who wants to touch Radha's and
Krisna's lotus feet and their branches are heading
downwards near the ground. Seva-kunj is the place of
most intimate pastimes of Divine Couple and it is
surcharged with spiritual atmosphere...
Once Krisna pushed his flute into the ground here and
created a small kund, called Lalita Kund, to satisfy
Lalita Sakhi's thirst. The well is still there within
the central part of the garden.
Next to Seva-kunj, separated by wall, there is adjoining
garden called Kisori-kunj or Kisori-van.
In 1516 Rupa and Sanatan arrived in Vrindavan. Lord
Caitanya ordered the two brothers to uncover the
places of Krisna's pastimes. They lived austerely,
halting for each night under different tree...
...By their inner vision as Sri Rupa Manjari and Labanga
Manjari they revealed the sites of Krisna's sporting
for the benefit of others. "Vrindavan is a gift of
Rupa and Sanatan Goswamis," Srila Prabhupada used to
say. For short periods they stayed at selected
...Rupa Goswami performed his bhajana at Ter Kadamba
(near Nandagram), Varsana, Radha-kund and Seva-kunj.
Their bhajan-kutirs were not brick or wooden
structures, but a temporary arrangements like hollow
of a tree, a clearing under a thorny ticket, or an underground
cave. Jiva Goswami spent some time in Nanda-ghat in a vacant crocodile
...In these austere natural settings Rupa and Jiva
chanted harinam and wrote the most exalted and sublime
transcendental literature about the intimate affairs
of Radha and Krisna. Sanatan would sleep only two or
three hours and at night he would burn dried leaves
and with that light he would write his books...
...At that time Vaisnavas were writing their book on
palm leaves, bark or even old Deity dresses. The
Goswamis, however, used hand made paper donated by
kindly Jaipur kings...
Rupa Goswami didn't take any land or any deed. Seva-kunj
was than a large area. There were no temples, no
buildings, no construction, nothing. The emperor's
landlord, who owned the area, was thinking 'I am so
fortunate that Rupa Goswami is living here on my land.'
With Sanatana Goswami's disappearance in 1588, Jiva
Goswami officially purchased the land, to preserve
Seva-kunj for the Gaudiya-vaisnavas. Seva-kunj is a
special sacred place for many reasons. Here, Sanatan
Goswami worshipped his beloved Madanmohan Deity and later entered
samadhi. Supreme Lord Damodar appeared ere to accept service from
Sri Rupa and Sri Jiva Goswamis.
Many famous Vaisnavas lived here and attended Rupa
Goswamis realized discourses on prema bhakti. And most
significantly, within Seva-kunj, Sri Syamasundar
eternally enjoys pleasure pastimes with Srimati
Radharani and the gopis.
For thirty rupees Jiva Goswami bought the plot from
Emperor Akbar's landlord Ali Kant Chaundhari. The
tract encompassed Seva-kunj, Dan-gull, Imli-tala,
Sringar-sthali and Rasa-sthali. Its boundaries were
marked by four trees: tamarind, banyan, pipal and kadamba.
...Being the youngest, Jiva Goswami inherited many of
the elder Goswami's writings, Deities, properties and
temples. He personally managed the temples of
Madanmohan, Govindaji, Gopinath and Damodarji...
...At the request of Raghunath das Goswami he assisted
in excavating of Radha-kund and was the supervisor of
his will. Although he was a leader of
gaudiya-sampradaya, he always consulted important
matters with other Vaisnavas...
...In 1582 he called a meeting to Radha-Damodar and
together with Gopal Bhatta Goswami, Raghunath Bhatta
Goswami, Radha-Krisna Goswami and Haridasji decided to
sent Srinivas, Narottam and Syamananda to preach to
Bengal, Manipur and Orissa with the copies of Goswami's
...In 1570, Moghul Emperor Akbar came to Vrindavan to
meet widely acclaimed Goswamis. After receiving darsan
of Nidhivan and Jiva Goswami, the Emperor was deeply
impressed and reciprocated by erecting a library at
Radha-Damodar Temple. Emperor Akbar, and adherent of
religion and philosophy, once invited Jiva Goswami to
his royal palace to debate about the ontological positions
of Ganga and Yamuna rivers...
...Jiva declined because of his vow never to leave
Vrindavan. He conceded, however, after the eight
hearty horses and a promise of return by evening.
Years later, Jiva Goswami praised Emperor Akbar in Govinda-mandir-astaka
(carved on the walls of Radha-Govinda Mandir): "Emperor
Akbar is a very kind hearted person and a Vaisnava. I
give my blessings to Emperor Akbar. In his kingdom all
the Vaisnavas are living very peacefully."
Gaudiya Math near the entrance of Seva-kunj is the
residence of Bhaktivaibhava Puri Maharaj, one of the
disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati.
Sita-nath Temple
Sita-nath is a Deity of Sri Advaita-acarya. "Nath" means "lord"
and "Sita" is the wife of Advaita. "Sita-nath" therefore means
"the lord of Sita", Advaita-acarya.
Advaita-acarya is an incarnation on Sada-Siva and
Maha-Visnu and He is the close associate of Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu...
...He appeared prior to Lord Caitanya and by His calling
and prayers made Sri Caitanya to appear.
From the courtyard one can see both Seva-kunj (right)
and Kisori-kunj (left).
Paurnamasi Temple
Paurnamasi is an incarnation of Krisna's internal potency Yogamaya.
Brajvasis consider Paurnamasi their guru as she plays important
role in arranging of loving pastimes of Radha and Krisna. Original
deity of Paurnamasi is at Sanket, between Nandagram and Varsana.
Passing by this old Vaisnavi...
...we came to this temple...
...where baby Krisna steals butter...
...and suck His toe.
They are probably the only Deities in Vrindavan
depicting those pastimes.
Nrsimhadev Temple
On the way to Radha-vallabha Mandir there is a temple of one of
the few Nrsimha Deities in Vrindavan.
Sri Nrsimhadev is carved out of wood and Laksmi and
Prahlad Maharaj are to His sides...
Radha-Vallabha Temple
The original temple of Radha-Vallabha (right) was desecrated by
Muslims in 1670 and a new temple was constructed next to it (left
entrance). Original murti is now worshipped in this new temple.
Sri Hitahari-vamsaji received Radha-Vallabha Deity as a
dowry at his wedding...
...There is no vigraha of Srimati Radharani and a crown
is worshipped on the altar instead. Radha-Vallabha
Deity is extremely beautiful.
In the same compound there are also temples of Radha
Ananda-vallabha, Radha Jivan-vallabha and Radha
Bhattaji Mandir
Near Radha-Vallabha Temple there is another Madanmohan Mandir
where personal Bhagavatam of Raghunath Bhatta Goswami can be seen.
That is why it is called "Bhattaji" Mandir...
Raghunath Bhatta was famous reciter of Srimad-Bhagavatam
and as he chanted the verses in three different ragas,
his audience would experience all kind of spiritual
Banki-bihari Temple
This temple was established by Haridas Swami, a contemporary of
the six Goswamis. He found Banki-bihari Deity in Visakha-kund
in Nidhivan. There is no mangala-arati in this temple. "Thakurji
performs rasa-lila every night and goes to sleep early in the
morning. It is improper to wake Him up so early," priests from
the temple used to say...
Once a great devotee came to Banki-bihari Mandir and for
a long time gazed at the Deity. Banki-bihari became so
attracted to him that He went with him to his village.
Goswamis of Bihariji find it out and after much
pleading with both the devotee and Banki-bihari,
brought Him back to the temple...
...After this incident a jhanki-darsan (momentary darsan)
was introduced. The curtain before the Deities is not left open.
Every few minutes the curtain is pulled shut and then opened again.
This is just to make sure that no one will gaze at Him for a long
time and bhakta-vatsala Banki-bihari will again leave a
temple following His devotees.
During the Muslim oppression, Banki-bihari stayed
secretly in Vrindavan and did not leave. Banki-bihari
is the most popular temple in Vrindavan, especially in
the month of Sravana, during Jhulan Yatra.
Astha-sakhi Temple
This temple was built in 1912 by Ramranjan Cakravarti,
the king of Hetampur form West Bengal.
His wife had a dream in which Sri Krisna asked her to
built a temple of eight sakhis: Sudevi, Tungavidya,
Indulekha, Visakha, Lalita, Citra, Campakalata and
Rangadevi. In the center stands Radha-Rasabihari and
four sakhis (maidservants) are on each side.
The temple is
near Madanmohan Mandir and to find entrance is a little
tricky. |
Vrindavan has a small-town atmosphere with narrow
streets and not much motor traffic.
Noisy tempo riksas can go no further than Bhaktivedanta
Swami Marg stand. But recently other traffic is
becoming a problem (2004).
On the road to Mathura there is an architectonically
...Pagal-Baba's Temple. Pagal means
"crazy" and people started to call this Baba in this
way because he was smoking too much.
Batharan-bihari Temple where Krisna's friends
begged food from brahmana wives is near Akrura-ghat.
Brahmanas wanted to be promoted to the heavenly
planets and refused to give a food as a charity to
cowherd boys (vaisyas) even if they asked in
the name of Balaram (son of Vasudev and therefore ksatriya by
birth). They would give it only to twice-born brahmanas, but
their wives recognized through their devotion Krisna and Balaram
and happily gave them what they could...
...The boys than sat at this spot and enjoyed wonderful
preparations sent by wives of brahmanas. Therefore it
is sometimes called Bhojan-sthali.
marks the border between Vrindavan (where Krisna as Yasoda-nandan
performs His pastimes) and Mathura (where Devaki-nandan performs
His pastimes).
A nice thing to do is to take bath little upstream of
Yamuna River...
...and have a darsan of the whole city of Vrindavan from
the water.
Or even better is to take a boat, chant bhajans on the
way to other side...
...make small puja for Yamunadevi,...
...take bath and come back at sunset.
My dear friend, if you still have any desire to enjoy
the company of your friends within this material
world, then don't look upon the form of Krisna, who is
standing on the bank of Kesi-ghat (a bathing place in
...He is known as Govinda, and His eyes are very
enchanting. He is playing upon His flute, and on His
head there is a peacock feather. And His whole body is
illuminated by the moonlight in the sky."
Srila Rupa Goswami,
O sakhi, this Vrindavan is spreading the fame of the
Earth planet even above that of Vaikuntha because it
is splendidly decorated by the marks of the lotus feet
of Yasoda-nandana Sri Krisna...
...Sakhi, when rasikendra Sri Krisna plays on His
murali, which enchants the whole world, the peacocks
become intoxicated and thinking the sound of the flute
to be the roaring thunder of the clouds, spread their
tail feathers and begin to dance. Seeing this, the
birds and animals roaming on the mountain summits become
completely stunned and relish the sound of the flute with their
ears and the dance of the peacocks with their eyes.
Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.21.10
Aho! In all three worlds, only Sri Vrindavan and the gopa-ramanisliving
there are fortunate, because in that place the parama-purana-purusa
Sri Krisna, disguised as human being, performs human-like pastimes
under the arrangement of Yogamaya. Adored with a multi-colored vana-mala,
He grazes the cows with Baladev and the sahkas,
vibrating the sweet flute and absorbed in various kinds of krida-vilas.
Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.44.13